Pricing of BSC a BSL

Valid from 1.1.2025
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Physiotherapy, TCM and Orthopaedics

Entry examination
Physiotherapy + acupuncture
Physiotherapy + sonography
Manual lymphatic massage

Shockwave therapy incl. physio


Running technique video analysis

Entry examination TCM

Orthopaedic entry examination
Orthopaedic examination and physio
Orthopaedic examination
Orthopaedic check
Baby hip screening

Podiatric entry examination
Podiatric check
Orthopaedic insoles

1 650 Kč
1 400 Kč
1 400 Kč
1 550 Kč
1 400 - 1 800 Kč
1 000 Kč

1 800 Kč

800 Kč

800 Kč

1 650 Kč
900 Kč

1 400 Kč
1 650 Kč
800 Kč
550 Kč
800 Kč

2 800 Kč
1 400 Kč
1 500 - 2 500 Kč

Sports medicine

Resting ECG
Stress EKG
Lactate test (incl. InBody)
CORE test
CORE test incl. CORE sensor
Kinesiological Analysis

Entry nutrition consultation
Nutrition check examination
InBody analysis and interpretation
Professional nutrition program

Supersapines (1st cycle)
Supersapines (Other cycles)

Sport Psychology (1 hour)

1 500 Kč
2 400 Kč
4 000 Kč
6 000 Kč
4 000 Kč
11 000 Kč
700 Kč

1 500 Kč
1 000 Kč
600 Kč
5 000 Kč

5 600 Kč
4 200 Kč

1 400 Kč

Rehabilitation and physical medicine

Body Solution Clinic is a contracted provider of healthcare services in the field of rehabilitation and physical medicine (specialty 201). We collaborate with the following health insurance companies: Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP), Zdravotní pojišťovna Ministerstva vnitra (ZPMV), Vojenská zdravotní pojišťovna (VoZP), Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna (OZP), and Revírní bratrská pokladna (RBP).

Within the scope of public health insurance, we accept referrals for examinations by a rehabilitation physician. Other services not covered by public health insurance are subject to fees according to the current price list. Each patient is informed in advance about the extent of covered and self-paid services.

Your appointment can be canceled 24 hours ahead of the therapy at latest. If not the storno fee as high as 50 % of booked service is charged.